dr Anna Basińska

| Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
dr Anna Basińska


Anna Basińska is an academic teacher and teachers’ trainer. She works at the Faculty of English in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. She has gained her Ph.D in the field of education. She is a co-author of, among others, the science education curriculum “E-teacher of Science”, T@blit - Innovative Integrated Kindergarten Curriculum that incorporated CLIL methodology into the preschool education as well as materials for the "School of Practise" program implemented by the Center for the Development of Education. She serves for Bilingualism Matters @Poznan.She is a PBL (project based learning) as well as Storyline expert. Creative, active and meaningful learning in the classroom with the use of both hands-on and technology tools is a recipe for good education to her.

The Scottish Storyline Method in an English Classroom. Meaningful, cooperative and creative language teaching and learning

During the speech, I will present the main assumptions of the method that can be used both with young learners and adults. You will learn about the key elements of Storyline and follow the entire process from start to finish. You will notice various opportunities to learn the language, including communicating with others. I hope you will find out that Storyline is a naturally rich context for learning a foreign language and is worth trying in your classroom. I hope to inspire you to try something new that I guarantee will be fun for you, too. At the same time, I will show that Storyline beautifully integrates language learning and social & emotional learning and responds to the needs of the modern world by developing students' key competencies.

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Stowarzyszenie PASE

Stowarzyszenie PASE jest organizacją pozarządową, której celem głównym jest wspieranie jakości w nauczaniu języków obcych w Polsce.


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