Konsultant edukacyjny i egzaminator w British Council Poland. Pracownik Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji, gdzie między innymi redaguje czasopismo metodyczne "Języki Obce w Szkole". Absolwent studiów doktoranckich na Wydziale Anglistyki w Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Pasjonat dydaktyki języków obcych.
As teachers, we no longer wonder whether, but to what extent the nature of our work will change as a result of the increasing role of artificial intelligence in the world. There is a general consensus that there is a need for greater involvement of AI tools in the classroom, although of course we must remain realistic about the difficulties they pose and unequal access to them or different approaches of students to their use in lessons.
In my talk, I will present the key takeaways from the latest British Council report on artificial intelligence in teaching English from the perspective of English teachers. I will identify their main hopes and fears as well as their state of preparation for incorporating AI tools in the classroom. I will present the most important implications for English and, more broadly, foreign language teaching, as well as selected AI tools, focusing on the possibilities they offer.