Paulina Dolęga

Paulina Dolęga


EFL teacher since 2012, specialising in working with teenagers and adults. Teacher trainer, author of ebooks and teaching aids. Focuses on designing simple yet effective low-prep activities and practical revision strategies. Educational entrepreneur and owner of “Dolanguage Paulina Dolęga” and Academic teacher at Kielce University of Technology.

Conversations That Work!

All our students eventually want to speak, but finding an exciting way to introduce a topic can be quite a challenge at times! In my talk, I’ll share some ideas for engaging communication exercises that will elevate your speaking activities to a whole new level, regardless of the topic. I’ll focus on low-prep solutions, beyond merely asking questions, that will spark your students' interest. All this with a little help from my friends – AI, marketing strategies, and… behavioural economics! The talk will be suitable for teachers of all languages.

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Stowarzyszenie PASE

Stowarzyszenie PASE jest organizacją pozarządową, której celem głównym jest wspieranie jakości w nauczaniu języków obcych w Polsce.


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