Asystent w SJO Politechniki Bydgoskiej, lektorka języka angielskiego i członek zespołu "AI w edukacji" Grupy UWSB Merito. Prowadzi zajęcia z dydaktyki języków obcych na Akademii Kujawsko-pomorskiej. Publikuje artykuły metodyczne skierowane do nauczycieli języka angielskiego w edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej. Interesuje się wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych technologii w edukacji.
The main part of my session will refer to practical strategies for integrating emojis into English language teaching and learning. My presentation will also cover a short characteristic of Generation Alpha, such as digital nativism, or preference for interactive content. To demonstrate these concepts in action, I will provide the attendees with some interactive exercises. Utilizing emojis in English language teaching process may allow educators to foster a dynamic and visually engaging educational atmosphere. Such approach not only makes the process of language acquisition enjoyable, but also enhances its effectiveness.
I will speak about the use of avatars and QR codes as tools to create personalized, engaging, and interactive learning experiences that align with Gen Z's digital nativity and demand for visual and interactive content. I will provide practical insights into integrating these technologies into the ESP curriculum, basing on own experience of teaching the Design Students at the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology. My aim is to encourage educators to adopt these innovative approaches to enhance student engagement, motivation, and proficiency in ESP, thereby preparing them for successful careers in the design industry.