
Stefania is a teacher, teacher trainer, and a trainer of trainers and has been in the profession for over four decades. She lectures at the University of Udine, Italy where she is also an M.A thesis supervisor for students graduating in the teaching profession.

She presents at conferences and delivers workshops and courses worldwide. Her main areas of interest are in teaching strategies in second language acquisitions mainly for young learners, implementing CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning and introducing Global Skills to young learners.

Another area she does extensive research in and has designed and delivered courses is teaching English through the Five Minds for the Future ,the theory of Multiple Intelligence.

She is a South-African born Italian and holds a M.A. degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Cambridge -U.K.-.

Students for Sustainability - Global skills for language teachers

Traditional education gives students few opportunities to explore, understand, and solve real world problems. As life-long learning becomes more important around the world, we enrich our learning beyond language. 

We will look at how we can integrate the Global Goals and language in our classroom to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. To make a positive change we need to feel connected to and responsible for a wider world.  

Enjoy a few concrete examples and activities focused on specific aspects of some challenges our world is facing and how we can improve to improve it.  

These challenges are big and complicated, so they have no easy solutions. Since they affect all of us, let’s call them global challenges and let’s develop global skills as language teachers. 

Activities to make the world a better place - Agenda 2030

The 21st. Century Skills promotes the integration of skills which are seen as key elements in teaching and learning core academic subjects.
Our goal is to support our learners to engage with concepts at a deeper level and connect them to the real world.
We will focus on several creative ideas to deepen our understanding of a few of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals getting both theoretical input and hand-on experience. It is an approach on how to implement Agenda 2030 in our classes.

The approach is inspired by the Learn-Think-Act framework used in Oxfam’s global citizenship education material.

Learners are introduced to keywords, concepts and basic information on current situations and causes relevant to global challenges. They are prompted to think empathetically and creatively, ask questions, and reflect upon their roles in their community and the wider world. Learners are then motivated and supported to take concrete actions around them-whether they are large or small.

What do you want to make our world a better place?

O organizatorze

Stowarzyszenie PASE

Stowarzyszenie PASE jest organizacją pozarządową, której celem głównym jest wspieranie jakości w nauczaniu języków obcych w Polsce.


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